How can currency solutions boost your business?

It’s not just your customers who benefit. You’ll be able to take secure payments in a wide range of currencies, in an instant.

International customers know the exact cost when paying in their home currencies, so the purchase is easy to recognise on their card statement. This means fewer fiddly chargebacks for you.

Pick the service that’s best for your business

Dynamic Currency Conversion

Dynamic Currency Conversion

DCC makes instant exchange-rate calculations for over 80 currencies at point of sale, so international customers can see prices and pay in their home currencies – in person or online.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Multi-Currency Conversion

Multi-Currency Conversion

Display online prices in any of the 100+ currencies available and receive funds in one of 17 currencies. Complete transparency in the final cost of a purchase for your customer – reduce currency confusion, improve customer satisfaction and drive revenue to your ecommerce site from over 200 countries.

How does currency conversion work?

Select the service for you

Are you in the hospitality business or is your bricks-and-mortar shop in a tourist hotspot? Then DCC is for you. If your online business sells to customers across the globe, opt for MCC.

Convert at POS or display online

With DCC, in-person customers can pay in their home currencies when they’re at the checkout. With MCC, online shoppers browsing your site see prices displayed in their own currencies.

Swift, simple sales

DCC lets customers pay at the till in their own currencies. With MCC, your online shoppers pay in their local currencies. Either way, you get funds back in whatever currency you wish.