Take control with smart business insights

  1. Learn more about Business Control

    Survey real-time sales figures in all your locations to see what’s selling like hot cakes and who your star sellers are. With sales forecasting, you can plan inventory and predict growth – and even offer time-based discounts during quiet spells to encourage sales.

  2. Real-time monitoring and low-stock alerts help make inventory management a breeze. Schedule and manage staff with just a few clicks. Integrate with accounting software to automate your bookkeeping, so you’ve more time to concentrate on customers.

    Real-time monitoring and low-stock alerts help make inventory management a breeze. Schedule and manage staff with just a few clicks. Integrate with accounting software to automate your bookkeeping, so you’ve more time to concentrate on customers.

  3. With next-day funding into your account, you’ll have cashflow you can depend upon. With our customer portal, Elavon Connect, you can monitor funds anywhere, any time.

    With next-day funding into your account, you’ll have cashflow you can depend upon. With our customer portal, Elavon Connect, you can monitor funds anywhere, any time.

  4. Join over two million businesses worldwide that trust Elavon security solutions. With end-to-end encryption, we’ll protect your customer data with the latest security technology.

    Join over two million businesses worldwide that trust Elavon security solutions. With end-to-end encryption, we’ll protect your customer data with the latest security technology.