“For airlines, cashflow is critical,” says William Pershke, Vice President of Global Airline Consulting for Elavon. 

“You need to pay salaries today. You need to pay for fuel today. You need to collect and pay government taxes today… even if the flight is in weeks or months ahead. 

“So, you need to get the money you are due, that you have earned, today,” he adds.

Data is money. Time is money 

So, here, William outlines four best practices you should be following, or questions you should be asking yourself and your payments partner, to make sure you’re being paid what you’re due, when you’re due it. 

It’s worth remembering that while payments may be settled at the end of a process, their success can be impacted by problems at any stage of that process. So, it’s important to have a full and clear overview of your payments data at every stage.
